Apple Arcade Shows Why Apple Should Kill the 64 GB iPhone

Apple Arcade Shows Why Apple Should Kill the 64 GB iPhone

It seems that for the first time in a decade, Apple has tried to under promise and over deliver on a service. When Apple announced Apple Arcade back at WWDC, the service seemed to be a little underwhelming. But now that I have got my hands on the service, I have become a huge fan. It is still early to call this service a hit, but it does seem to be on the path of success. In my opinion, it's way better than Apple News+ and TV+ services that were announced alongside Apple Arcade.

We will cover Apple Arcade in detail over the coming months and share gameplays from our favorite games but there is one thing that we need to talk about now. Apple Arcade will offer users more than 100 games to play. As of now, there are around 50 games that are live on the service and they require almost 50 GB of space on your phone. Now, not everyone will download all the games at once. However, seeing how top games require around 2-3 GB space on your device, it won't take long to fill up your iPhone's 64 GB storage. Apple Arcade is yet another example which shows that Apple should kill the 64 GB iPhone and make the 128 GB the standard.

Apple Arcade

Apple has always focused on camera and performance of its iPhones. Now that new iPhone 11s feature triple camera recording at once (a feature which is coming to the older iPhone XS and XR), it will be hard for users to not run out of storage. Even if you are not using the triple camera recording feature, most of us record videos in 4K anyway. Even the front camera supports 4K recording nw. Add Apple Arcade on top of this and you have got a big problem. Hence, Apple should kill the 64 GB iPhone and while the company is at this task, it should also increase the measly 5 GB of free iCloud storage.

Apple has launched Apple Arcade to give users a path to forgo the frustration that comes with playing the free-to-play games with tons of in-game purchase. To me the 64 GB base storage iPhone models and 5 GB free iCloud storage feels like as if Apple is employing the same strategy. The only difference is that we are also paying thousands of dollars upfront for its devices.