Fantastical 2.10 Update Brings Siri Shortcuts Support and new Apple Watch Complications

Fantastical 2.10 Update Brings Siri Shortcuts Support and new Apple Watch Complications

Fantastical 2 is my favorite calendar application for both Mac and iOS. I love its natural language processing, the way it displays information, and how it handles notifications. The company has just released the new 2.10 update for the Fantastical 2 which is bringing a number of new features and optimizations. Firstly, the update optimizes the app for the bigger iPhones. The app is also optimized for the Series 4 Apple Watch and now shows more information on the screen. There’s a ton of fun stuff here, so let’s just take a brief look at all of them.

Support for Siri Shortcuts

With the launch of iOS 12, Apple introduced the new Siri Shortcuts app which allows iOS users to automate many tasks. However, for this to work, the app developers also have to support it. Thankfully, most of the app devs have been quick to support this feature and with the new Fantastical 2.10 update, Flexibits also joins the fold. Some of the actions that you can perform using Siri Shortcuts include scheduling events, opening the event or reminder creator, seeing a list of upcoming events, and more.

Support for Siri Shortcuts 1

To see a list of all the actions that you can perform, go to Fantastical > Siri & Search > Shortcuts, or search for Fantastical 2 in the shortcuts app.

Support for Siri Shortcuts 2

Interactive Notifications on iOS Devices

The Fantastical 2.10 update also brings the ability to snooze events and reminders directly from the notifications. This makes it even more convenient to snooze items for later. The best part is that you can even choose how long you want to snooze for.

Interactive Notifications on iOS Devices

Support for Siri Watch Face and New Complications for Infograph and Infograph Modular Watch Faces

Fantastical 2 now supports Siri watch face and will now send upcoming events and reminders to it. Do note that Siri watch face learns from user behavior so if you want to see more content from Fantastical there, you will have to use it more often on your Apple Watch. Fantastical 2.10 also brings new complications for the new Infogrpah and Inforgraph Modular watch faces which were introduced with the new Apple Watch Series 4.

Support for Siri Watch Face and New Complications for Infograph and Infograph Modular Watch Faces

There are two new complications for the Infograph face and once for the Infograph Modular Face. Since you can customize what can be shown in these complications (Open Fantastical → Tap on settings → Apple Watch → set the information you want to show), you can get the information that is important to you.

Fantastical 2.10 Update: Final Thoughts

The new Fantastical 2.10 update brings a number of cool features. I am most excited for its support of Siri Shortcuts. I am certain that I can create a few cool workflows using its actions. Do you like the new update? Let us know in the comments section below.